Income Information
The Sky is the limit! The amount of money you make with Scentsy is all up to you. When I began my Scentsy journey my financial goal was to be able to purchase my husband a gift without using "his" money. I had worked since I was 15 and being a new stay at home mom without an income was hard for me. When I achieved that I worked towards making a car payment. I continue to achieve new levels of income even after 16 years and cannot wait to help you with your goals! -Aspen
Please remember hard work and entrepreneurship isn't for everyone and I understand that. Because making money and being your own boss is difficult, I must include:
Results may not be typical. For average Consultant earnings, see the Income Disclosure provided by Scentsy.

As a new consultant you'll earn 20% on your sales. As soon as you sell your 1st 1000 personal retail volume, you'll add 5% to your commission making 25% or more for the rest of your Scentsy Career.
As you can see from the compensation chart to the left there are a lot more ways to earn, from sales to leadership bonuses. The harder you work and the more you help others achieve the higher your income can be.
Our Compensation Plan

"I don't know anyone to sell to."
My, friend. People will buy fragrance for their home, and life whether you sell it or not. Becoming a Scentsy consultant and sharing what you love is a great reason to grow your circle! I literally knew no one when I began. Started sharing with neighbors and other moms at my kiddos school and grew from there.

"I dont have time."
Thats the very best part! If you read my story you know busy is a mindset. You simply incorporate Scentsy into the busy life you already have and viola, your sharing, selling and growing before you know it!

"No one will join my team."
Woah there... why make decisions for other people! That's ok I do it too. She's already too successful for Scentsy, she doesn't really need a side gig, I don't think he has time for a business.
You never know until you ask, you'd be surprised who wants to share Scentsy with the world. We have professors, veterinarians, teachers, military members, drivers, nurses, people of all professions on our team!