If you've ever considered Scentsy as a side gig, hobby, full time income or just a way to get your home filled with amazing fragrance NOW is the time. It's only $25, what have you got to lose!? Besides, who couldn't use a couple extra dollars for gas right now?!
Here's what you'll get in June only with your $25 starter kit:

Wire you Blushing Mini Warmer
Black Raspberry Vanilla Scentsy Bar
Sample Packette Bundle (laundry, Clean, Pets)
Spring Summer 2022 Fragrance tester Sample Pack (1 pack of 25)
Quick Start Guide
Spring Summer 2022 Catalogs (1 pack of %)
Welcome Card
From me as your sponsor:
Added to our Exclusive Glow Coalition Group page
Me as your mentor and guide to success
A 6-week idea and info guide to help you get your business launched
A summer full of adventure and possibilities!
No matter what you pay for your kit the opportunity for success if up to you! With only a catalog or one product and a smile you can share Scentsy and the opportunity with others. There is zero restriction on who can make money, who can be successful and who gets to stay with this company.
Let me ask you this... What's the last thing you spent $25 on and where is that item or purchase now?
Odds are you don't know, or it was food and its digested and gone. What IF you took your next $25 and invested in YOU. Invested in the idea that you can turn this wax thing into whatever void needs filled in your life. A hobby, a way out of the house, the opportunity to make new friends, some extra money, this little kit can change your life or even just fill the gas tank. One things for sure though the opportunities are endless. Ready?!
BUT WAIT, what about that $300 in FREE product you can earn? Lets talk about that...
No gimmicks, no lie, just free product!
Yes, I'm serious. The only reason I'm sad is that I'm already a consultant and this amazing promotion isn't available to me! Ok, not sad just excited for you!
Here's the juicy details! This grab is for NEW Scentsy Consultants who join in June 2022 and Sell 500 points in Personal Retail Volume (PRV) within your first 15 days of business.
We always have this super special Shooting Star kit available to new consultant BUT normally they have to purchase it for a discounted cost. Don't miss this special deal!
When you do, you'll get:
$300 worth of Scentsy Product for absolutely FREE, Zero, Zip, Zilch, Nada, Nothing. Ok, ok

you get the idea! I'm a bit excited for this promo if you cannot tell.
From warmers and bars to diffusers and oils, plus a fan diffuser and pods, you'll have everything you need to get your own Wax Life underway! Keep in mind kit contents may vary slightly but here's a pic of what you can grab when you sell 500 in that first 15 days.
Here's how:
Decide which Scentsy kit you'd like to purchase or even earn your kit for zero cost (message me for details on that one) Kits range from Free to $99 plus tax and shipping. Order your kit then with my guidance you share Scentsy with your friends and family. The goal... 500 in sales in that first 15 days of business. When you hit the goal the $300 in free product is yours!
How great is that!? What have you got to lose right?!
So, before you hit the drive thru again or grab a movie take $25 and invest in YOU, make this Scentsy thing YOU. I cannot wait for you to begin!