"Let me do this Scentsy thing first, then I'll get a real job when the kids get older." This is

something I told myself over 14 years ago when my kiddos were 2 and 4. I had worked since I was 15 years old, now I was a mom of 2 with a husband in the Marine Corps. Working outside the home wasn't really an option unless my entire salary would go to daycare or a sitter. I was losing myself, wanted adult interaction and I wanted to work.
I couldn't justify having someone else raise my babies so I could work for someone else in a job I didn't like. We were narrowly making ends meet with the help of wic when the kids were littler, zero extra activities, no vacations, or travel and a paycheck-to-paycheck life. Lucky for us base housing was provided along with paid utilities. We were happy, not thriving but content. Struggling and living that way becomes a norm, you cannot imagine having more or creating your own opportunity. We didn't have a savings account and most days had near to nothing in our checking account.
Something about being a young family and broke just goes together, right? It didn't sit well with me. My husband's birthday came around, our anniversary, or valentine's day and I would have to take from his paycheck to get him a card or small gift. Now, listen we've never separated our money. It's never been his and hers just always ours, so he didn't care but not working for a gift I gave didn't feel right. What could I do?
If you've read my full story, you know I watched my friend become a success in Scentsy before I was convinced. Everyone is a sceptic at first, right? This direct sales thing gets a bad rap so much. I wanted to do what she was doing, making extra money, selling something she loved. Here's the thing though, when your monthly income is Corporal pay in the Marine corps $99 is A LOT of money. Maybe, you're in that spot now... I get it. So, the $99 Scentsy kit was my Christmas gift in 2008, I didn't order my kit until December 28th since that was payday. (Legit, paycheck to paycheck friends) I figured what have I got to lose, and my husband was ok with it IF I made back what we spent on the kit.
Let's talk for a sec about that bad rap on MLM or direct sales, that bad word I hear "pyramid scheme" Before I began as a Scentsy Consultant I didn't know anyone except my upline who was successful in the industry. Before I got a green Ford Explorer, I didn't see any of them on the road either. You get what I mean, you see what you're looking for! There are plenty of people out there who went into debt buying a ridiculous stock or investing in a business that paid zero dividends. They did it wrong, anyone asking you to get a credit card or purchase a huge kit IS not helping your future. Never invest money you haven't made back and remember this...
Scentsy is NOT a get rich quick deal, so there is zero overnight money. I will say if you spend all your extra hours on this business and invest the time equivalent to the amount, you'd like to make it WILL pay off. Will it be easy, no. Will it be worth it, yes? It's hard work and takes time, perseverance and the willingness to continue even when others don't believe in you or this business model.
With 2 small kiddos at home, I worked on Scentsy every moment I had, naptimes, after bedtime and even when I could get a free moment in between. My oldest son also has severe autism, epilepsy and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and needs even to this day more attention and care than most kids. Making time has never been easy BUT making this business work for me was my goal and I was determined to build my dream. Guess what, I made the money back on that Scentsy kit in the very first month!
Soon I was able to get my husband Mike gifts from my own paycheck again and within a few months could even make one of our vehicle payments. I was hustling, when no one would book a party, I would host my own. I would talk to everyone about Scentsy and worked it like a full-time job since I wanted a full-time income.
Working from home is a tough gig, a million things always pulling you in all directions. Struggling to focus and accomplish anything, you have to continue to push forward every single day, be determined and steadfast. Know what motivates you and live into the meaning of controlling your own schedule.
There are hundreds of days in the last 13 years that didn't go as planned. I had to put Scentsy aside to move, raise babies or take care of my family but that didn't stop the hustle, on my phone in the car or on the sideline at practice, I've worked in hospitals, at Dr. appointments and hundreds of hours of therapy for my son, in the car in the school pick up line, and even in traffic at an intersection. I could easily say to this day, I don't have time to run a business. I really don't have time, but I choose to do it anyways.
You see, these unplanned days are mine to choose. I get to be at every event, I get to be with my family when I choose. I still work this Scentsy business as a full-time business, but my work isn't always at the desk and it damn sure isn't on someone else's clock or agenda.
I never went back and got that "real job" turns out this Scentsy gig is pretty real, a life I choose, a schedule I build and a hustle that is driven by my dreams. The bonus is that I make real money doing it and you can too. That real job thing where you build someone else's dream and line someone else's bank account on their schedule is the real scam friends, don't be fooled.
Over the last decade Scentsy has even made it possible for you to earn your kit so that you can begin this business with the only investment being your time and effort. Now that I have that savings account and no longer live paycheck to paycheck, I have learned to value more than anything helping others build their dream. What's yours?
Because I've mentioned the fact that you can make money in this business I must add our compensation plan and our income disclosure statement. Building your own dream and setting your own income level isn't for everyone, hard work doesn't feel like freedom to most, but to those willing to work and dream in equal measure THIS Scentsy thing is for you!
