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Scentsy Family Reunion 2022 Full Circle

Writer's picture: Aspen CalhounAspen Calhoun

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

In July of 2009 I had been working my business for 6 months, I was a Super Star Consultant with a team of 32 and on the cusp of hitting Director! My sponsor begged and pleaded that I come to the annual Scentsy Convention at the end of that July and so after many discussions with my husband we decided we would try to make it work. If you've read my Scentsy Story, you know when I began this journey, we we're living paycheck to paycheck barely scraping by.

We were BROKE as a joke!

Seriously I saved every single Scentsy payday I had up until we left to get plane tickets for us and one to fly my Mom out to California to watch my babies. We left with less than $100 in our checking account for food and whatever we might need. The plan was to write a check for the hotel room when we check out so that when my husband got paid his pay would cover it. Those were the days when it actually took a check a few days or even a week to clear.

In 2009 Scentsy still paid by paper check in the mail and I had hoped to get paid before we left but my check didn't come in time. If my check came in the mail the next day I had asked my mom to go to the bank and deposit it for us so we could eat. She over looked the check when it came and didn't get it deposited for the entire trip so we were without any extra money at all.

Each day during the convention at breakfast, lunch and dinner we would walk a few blocks to the convenience store to grab something frozen to microwave and a drink for our meals. Eating out was out of the question and we spent on nothing else!

Some would say I was crazy to travel with no money, some would say it was irresponsible, both would probably be right, but here's the deal... those few days immersed in the Scentsy Culture changed me and my business forever. I may have already been on my way to success but that sacrifice, and experience was a huge deal. I watched women cross that Scentsy stage to be recognized for their achievements, I saw leaders and world changers. I met others just like me and I realized those consultants earning those achievements, 5 figure paychecks, and recognition were just like me. The tools that made them successful were available to me, the dreams they had weren't out of reach for me, and with hard work I could cross that stage and achieve anything I set my mind to.

I was in awe of a company that cared deeply for its consultants, who had owners who were real life. If I had Scentsy dreams when I showed up, they were multiplied by 100 now!

Heidi and Orville Thompson 2009
Scentsy Reunion 2009

We had gambled on a journey, went without knowing the value and let me tell you it paid off big time. Scentsy events are indescribable, surrounded by thousands of likeminded friends can inspire and move you to greatness. If I could bottle up the atmosphere and sell it I'd be a millionaire already!

Since that Convention I haven't missed one since! I vowed to never miss this crazy amazing experience. That was Shine in 09 and I am writing this now because I am so lucky to be headed back to Salt Lake City, UT this week. I have walked across the Scentsy Family Reunion stage several times over the years, been blessed to have the opportunity to train hundreds virtually and in person on multiple occasions and even had the opportunity to speak on the main stage in 2011 in front of 9,000 Scentsy friends, but to walk across that same Salt Lake stage that inspired me so many years ago will have a special place in my heart. I will be recognized this year for my first time as an annual sales earner for 2021 and 2022 (that's 30k in sales in one fiscal year) and as a Super Star Director.

These are the 13 Scentsy Family Reunions I have attended so far:

1. Shine in 09- Salt Lake City, UT

2. Intensity in 10- Denver, Co

3. Stampede 11- Fort Worth, TX

4. Light it Up 12- Las Vegas, NV

5. Drive 13- Indianapolis, IN

6. Show Me Spirit 14- St. Louis MO

7. Live! 15- Las Vegas, NV

8. Share your Song 16- Nashville, TN

9. Swing for The Fences 17- Kansas City, MO

10. One Magical Moment 18- Anaheim, CA

11. No Limits 19- Austin, TX

12. Perspective 20- Virtual

13. Lift 21- Virtual

Coming Soon!

14. Scentsy is You 22- Salt Lake City, UT

Then and now has never been a more beautiful thing. Scentsy has grown and changed drastically and so have I. I saw this quote today and it brought tears to my eyes,

"Sometimes life brings you full circle to a place you have been before just to show you how much you have grown."- unknown

Scentsy Consultants image
Walking the Stage for recognition

Wow. I won't have to walk to that gas station for food this time and my room is already paid for, I'm bringing gifts for my friends and have dinners and meetings planned to hang out with those I've gotten to know and love. I get the honor of speaking to train others one of the days and I get to walk that Salt Lake stage just like they did at Shine in 09 this Friday night. If someone had told me this would be my reality when I sat in that convention room all those years ago, I would've laughed and told them it was impossible. I'm forever thankful for that broke as a joke trip, the risk we took, and every single reunion in between.

If you are a Scentsy friend reading this I cannot wait to see you soon and if you're not going or if you're not even a consultant yet it's time to take a leap, you never know what could happen.

The pic below is then and now, Look at you Scentsy! What an amazing journey we've been on so far!

Salt lake convention center pic
Salt Lake salt shaker Scentsy Style


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