There is a list of commonly asked questions about joining Scentsy on my corporate sales site. Questions that someone interested in beginning their own Scentsy business might ask. Corporate has done a great job of answering those questions BUT I'd like to share my personal answers for anyone who is interested in a Scentsy business or possibly me as their sponsor. Wait though... the corporate answers are not wrong; they just aren't my personal answers.
Question 1 -
What does it mean to be an Independent Scentsy Consultant?
Corporate answer-
As an Independent Scentsy Consultant, you are an independent business owner authorized to sell Scentsy products for a commission. You have the freedom to control when and where you work your business. You can increase your commission by selling more products and building a team to earn bonuses on products sold by your team members.
That Wax Life Answer-
Being a Scentsy consultant means you now have a circle. You have other people to relate to, you have new ways to make friends and access to a world of growth in whatever avenue you choose. It means you can change your life and anything about it, it means you never sit alone unless you want to. Being a Scentsy consultant means choosing your work level and your income level, choosing your schedule and who controls your life. - Aspen Calhoun
Question 2-
What makes Scentsy so Special?
Corporate answer-
The Scentsy family has this indefinable quality — we call it Scentsy Spirit, because how else could we express the passion, encouragement, enthusiasm and drive of more than 250,000 unique souls coming together to serve a greater purpose? This is why we think Scentsy is the best direct selling company.
That Wax Life Answer-
The definition of special is better greater, or otherwise different from what is usual. Scentsy is exactly that in every aspect. I have never been part of a culture where others want me to succeed so badly, where others cheer for me, lift me up and encourage me even on my lowest days. Over the years my trust in this company has grown to a point that I never worry or question the direction, I don't wonder what will happen if the economy slows or if Scentsy will do the right thing in any situation. I know they will, I can stand on the foundation they've build. I can trust that they will give me what I need to be successful without a doubt and that's pretty special. -Aspen Calhoun
Question 3-
Why do people join Scentsy?
Corporate Answer-
Most Scentsy Consultants join because they love the products; they stay because they fall in love with the community. From there, the reasons continue to grow — from earning extra income, to the flexibility of working when and where they want, to wanting to earn an upcoming incentive trip.
That Wax Life Answer-
Why did I join? Because I wanted to make extra money. Why do most people I know join? Because they want to make extra money. But there's got to be more than that right? Afterall, we have Dr.'s, Nurses, Teachers, all professions and all income levels on our team. Lean in closely here's the secret... Scentsy is a feeling you cannot find at a "real" job. It's the possibility of dreams, the promise of connection and the feeling of belonging to something bigger than you. I believe in you before you even begin because I know from experience the unlimited potential of anyone with this company. I hope you join and if anyone ever asks you why. I hope you say because Aspen told me the secret! - Aspen Calhoun
Question 4-
How do I join Scentsy and Start Selling?
Corporate Answer-
Click “Join” at the top of your Consultant’s Personal Website (PWS), select your Starter Kit and follow the steps to enroll. Or host a party and earn Host Rewards that can be used toward the purchase of a Host-Exclusive Starter Kit with our Earn a Kit option. You will need a debit card, credit card or one of our accepted digital payment methods to pay for your Starter Kit.
That Wax Life Answer-
The above answer is very true that's the technicality of it, but there's more to it than that. What if you have questions? What if you need help? What if you cant afford that kit?
Thats where I come in! I can help with that! As your sponsor I want to guide you to success. I want to add you to my start up training program to launch you to success and I want you to understand every step along the way so you can bring friends along for the ride! There are hundreds of trainings to you to watch to help you learn to share Scentsy and I'll be there every step of the way!- Aspen Calhoun
Question 5-
How much does it cost to Join Scentsy and become a Consultant?
Corporate Answer-
You only need to pay the current price of the Starter Kit (plus local tax and shipping) to join Scentsy.
That Wax Life Answer-
That's the great part, you can earn your kit for zero, pay the $99 plus tax and shipping like I did or take advantage of one of our other join specials. Message me for your options!
Question 6-
What does the Scentsy Starter Kit include?
Corporate Answer-
Our traditional Starter Kit includes everything you need to start your Scentsy business: a best-selling warmer, scented wax testers, catalogs, order forms, three months of your own PWS, product samples and more. (Contents may vary.)
That Wax Life Answer-
That depends on which starter kit you choose! The kit you earn is a bit smaller than the full $99 kit and sometimes we even offer larger kits to include an Air Purifier or diffuser! So again, you'll have to message me to decide and see what's available right now. I will say though, no matter which kit you choose you'll have everything you need to be successful! As long as you have a catalog, a warmer and some fragrance to share or even your website for your customers to place orders you're set! - Aspen Calhoun
Question 7-
How much is a Scentsy Starter Kit?
Corporate Answer-
Our traditional Starter Kit is $99 plus local tax and shipping. Or you can host a party and apply your earned product credit toward a Host-Exclusive Starter Kit to become a Scentsy Consultant.
That Wax Life Answer-
That depends on which kit you choose! When I began, I got my kit (aka 2008 Christmas present) on my husbands payday because we didn't have the $99 to spend before that. WOW if they had the option to earn my kit I would have taken advantage of that! So decide, how much do you want your Scentsy Kit to be? - Aspen Calhoun
Question 8-
What are the requirements of joining Scentsy?
Corporate Answer-
You must be the legal age or age of majority in your country of residence at the time of enrollment. You must also be a legal resident of the country where you want to enroll and have a valid personal identification number (such as a Social Security number or Employee Identification Number). And you must accept the Independent Consultant Agreement (ICA) and purchase a Starter Kit. (North Dakota residents are not required to purchase a Starter Kit to join.)
That Wax Life Answer-
Woah... that was a lot of legal gumbo. In addition to that- Requirements... must love fragrance, be kind and willing to share what you love. Be willing to be a part of an exciting community where spirit is contagious, and celebrations are plentiful!- Aspen Calhoun
Question 9-
What is Scentsy Commission?
Corporate Answer-
Commission is the compensation you earn for your personal sales of Scentsy’s commissionable products.
That Wax Life Answer-
Agreed. The money you make from the Scentsy products you sell. Scentsy payday comes on or near the 10th of each month paying you for the month prior. For example, your November payday on the 10th will be for you October sales commissions. I might add you also get to decide how much commission you make and whether or not you will get a 5% bonus each month on your personal sales. -Aspen Calhoun
Question 10-
How does Scentsy Calculate Commissions?
Corporate Answer-
Consultants earn 20% on the first 1,000 points in Personal Retail Volume (PRV) and 25% on PRV after that, plus up to a 9% bonus on Personal Wholesale Volume (PWV) based on rank, and a 5% sales award when sales exceed 2,000 points in PRV in any given month. In addition to the commission you earn on your sales, you can earn multiple bonuses based on your team’s performance.
That Wax Life Answer-
Again, I agree with the corporate answer. I will add that It's very possible to make any income you choose. The more you sell the more you make and building a team and teaching others to do what you've learned to do extends your income greatly. The harder you work and the more consistent you are in this business the more you will make. -Aspen Calhoun
**please see income disclosure at the bottom of this page, because hard work and awesome isn't for everyone we have to mention that results aren't typical.
Our Compensation plan-
Income Disclosure-
Because results aren't typical, those who work hard and persevere are successful I must add this:
