Let's talk fragrance! Not just any fragrance, Scentsy Fragrance. For those who don't know what a Scentsy bar is let's talk about that first before we get into the details of our long-lasting fragrance.
What is a Scentsy Bar?
A Scentsy Bar is a block of scented wax with eight break-apart sections. Scentsy bars come in over 80 fragrances each season give or take for limited edition and new licensed wax bundles. Each bar is net weight 2.6 oz and is made in Idaho, USA.
Scentsy wax also comes in a much larger form called a brick nearly 5 times the size of a bar bricks are hand poured in Idaho and available in limited edition fragrances as well as our core fragrances only if you subscribe to Scentsy club. Bricks are net weight 15 oz in 12 break apart cubes.
What kind of fragrance oils are used in Scentsy Bars?
Scentsy uses both synthetic and naturally derived fragrance oils to achieve the highest quality and longest-lasting bar. Synthetic oils are used for several reasons, including:
• When using natural oils results in unrestrained use of limited or endangered natural resources.
• When it isn’t possible to derive the natural oils from nature. For example, synthetic oil is necessary to reproduce lily of the valley because fragrance cannot be extracted from this flower through typical extraction methods.
• When it is cost prohibitive to acquire natural oils and would preclude Scentsy from offering particular fragrances without increasing the price for customers.
Which Scentsy Scent lasts the longest?
I wish there was a scientific answer to this question or even a definitive answer period, BUT unfortunately, it's all subjective. So many factors play a part into how fragrant your wax is and how long it lasts.
Airflow, room temperature, drafts, size of the room, what warmer you're using and even your nose and personal scent perception plays a huge role in long lasting fragrance.
I can tell you this, fragrance lasts long after YOU can smell it simply because you get used to it.
The numbers answer- 3 to 4 cubes of Scentsy wax in your warmer lasts 8 to 12 hours in my personal experience. That leads us to the next question...
How often should I change my Scentsy wax?
Again, there isn't a scientific answer, so I'll speak from 15 years of Scentsy wax experience and give you my most technical answer... When you can't smell it any longer, remember and have time to switch it out that's when you change your wax. I change all my warmers weekly when I clean my house, so everything is fresh clean and smells great. I do drop an extra cube in during the week to "freshen" up my fragrance when I think about it. Can you change your wax daily, YES! Should you? If you'd like, absolutely.
What kind of wax is used to make Scentsy Bars?
We use a custom, high-quality paraffin wax blend designed to give you long-lasting fragrance and selected for its scent loading ability, melting point and firmness. The same type of wax sprayed on wax at your grocery store of course ours is a different blend but to give you an idea its safe, clear, and soft.
Why doesn’t Scentsy use a soy- or vegetable-based wax?
Soy- or vegetable-based waxes can produce a quality wicked candle, but not a quality wickless candle. Scentsy warmers never burn wax, we only warm our wax, and our wax never evaporates. No soot on walls or black soot deposition with Scentsy.
How many cubes of wax should I use in my Scentsy warmer?

Beginning with the Fall/Winter 2017 Catalog, all new warmer dishes are stamped with the recommended number of Scentsy Bar wax cubes to use for the intended fragrance experience. This new feature was implemented to eliminate confusion and contradictory information. Add more or fewer cubes depending on your personal preference, the more wax you add the stronger the fragrance in the room.
How do I clean the wax out of my Warmer?

While the wax is melted, pour it out and wipe the dish clean OR soak up the wax with a
Cotton Cleanup pad. Please don't try to chip away hardened wax or scratch it out when it's not warm, this can damage your warmer dish or even break the ceramic or glass.
Are Scentsy Bars safe?
Scentsy Bars are safer than wicked candles because no flame is required for the wax to melt and release fragrance. Since the wax is warmed and not burned as with traditional candles, no harmful chemicals or pollutants are released into the air. With Scentsy, there is no flame, smoke, soot or lead.
Do Scentsy Bars contain harmful phthalates?
Scentsy Bars do not contain or release harmful phthalates. A small percentage of Scentsy Bar fragrances contain extremely low levels of non-harmful diethyl phthalate (DEP), commonly used in fragrances to help blend ingredients and to make fragrances last longer. DEP is thoroughly tested and is consistently regarded as safe for use in fragrance by several government bodies including the U.S. Environmental US-MX-EN Scent FAQ 05/2022 Protection Agency and the European Union Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP). Scentsy follows all safety standards regulating the use of DEP set by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA).
Are the fragrance ingredients we use in our products safe?
Yes! We want you to enjoy Scentsy fragrances with total confidence, so we consistently adhere to all local and international regulations. This includes guidelines established by the International Fragrance Association and the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials, which evaluate fragrance ingredients and set standards for fragrance development.
For more information about these organizations their published guidelines, visit their websites at https://ifrafragrance.org/ and https://www.rifm.org.
Where can I view the fragrance ingredients in a Scentsy Bar?
We provide ingredients for many our Scentsy Bars (and other relevant fragrance products) on product pages on my Personal Website.
Where can I find more information about the individual fragrance ingredients?
You can learn more about the specific fragrance ingredients in your favorite Scentsy products, along with the basics of fragrance safety, at https://fragranceconservatory.com/.
Do Scentsy Bars contain any nut or mineral oils?
Do they contain Bisphenol A (BPA), gluten, lead, egg or formaldehyde?
Scentsy Bars and fragrance oils do not contain any kind of nut or mineral oils. They are BPA-, gluten-, lead-, egg- and formaldehyde-free. Yay!
How should I store my Scentsy Bars?
Store your Scentsy Bars in a cool, dry area of your home, away from direct sunlight. Choose a closet or even a drawer. If you store Scentsy Bars next to a warm stove or in direct sunlight, the top fragrance notes may be released from the heat.
Why can’t I smell my favorite Scentsy Bar anymore?
Occasionally, you can become immune to a scent or fragrance note by simply warming it too frequently. For example, if you warm cinnamon fragrances all year, your nose may actually begin to filter out the smell of cinnamon. By switching out your Scentsy fragrances regularly, you can prevent this from happening. We've all heard of nose blindness, it's a real thing!
I placed a new cube in my Scentsy Warmer, but I can’t smell it. Why not?

Each fragrance has a different level of scent throw depending on the fragrance oil composition.
Factors such as weather, humidity, ventilation systems and elevation may alter scent throw.
• Weather and humidity: At higher temperatures, will be more water vapor in the air. When fragrance and water molecules bind together, the water weighs fragrance down, creating less diffusion of the fragrance into the air. When there is less moisture in the air, fragrance has better diffusion and can be perceived as stronger.
• Environment: Large rooms, ceiling fans and flooring may affect how scent dissipates, as can open windows and ventilation systems.
Who knew there was so much fragrance information right?! At Scentsy we take fragrance very seriously and even more your perception and fragrance experience! I'm here to help with any further scent questions you have!